
Mantle can be configured to synthesize low-level primitives for a particular FPGA. For example, to use mantle with the Lattice ice40, set the Mantle target

import magma

The default target is to generate coreir.

Combinational Logic

Sequential Logic



Mantle Operators and Overloading

Mantle provides a set of common operators similar to Python's built-in operator library. Mantle uses these to overload the operators of various magma types. The implementation lives in mantle/common/ Similar to Python's built-in operator library, users can import mantle.common.operator to access functions like add. These are defined generically over the Mantle primitives, so they can be used with any backend.

Logical Operators

These operators are defined on the magma types: Bit and Bits. In this list we provide the function name, followed by the overloaded operator (None if an overloaded operator does not exist). * and_, & * nand, None * or, ^ * nor, None * xor, ^ * nxor, None * lsl, << * lsr, >> * asr, None * not, None * invert, ~ * eq

Arithmetic Operators

  • negate, -
  • add, +
  • sub, -
  • mul (NYI)
  • div (NYI)

Comparison Operators

  • lt, <
  • le, <=
  • gt, >
  • ge, >=


  • mux, None